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Richard Dunwoody

Another Thrale claim to fame! I have discovered that - racing's all time most successful jockey - Richard Dunwoody MBE, is a Thrale.

His mother is Gillian Thrale, father George (surname unknown). His maternal Grandfather is Richard (Dick) Thrale b.1885, who was also a horse trainer.

Other than the two links here, I don't know anything else. I've never met them and I have no idea where they fit into the family tree.

If you know anything further do let me know. If Richard Dunwoody or one of his family reads this, do get in touch, I promise will respect your privacy.

Well, even with as much as I do on the internet, I am always surprised to find my work quoted...

I am so glad you found a published piece on Richard Dunwoody's parentage. My information came from a very distant cousin that I met while fishing for living relatives. She told be about the Dunwoody Thrale connection, and I put it together as best I could from what she told me. I have yet to prove Gillian Thrales' parents - and I would imagine that it can't be too hard. Dunwoody has a business, couldn't we try to reach him there?

Anyway, my branch of Thrales married in to the Kemp family. Part of this Thrale branch was also connected to the Alwens - all of these folks came from Croydon throughout the 19th century. The best news is that the 1891 census on is up and running and indexed and fabulous to look at. By the way, I'm filling in quite a few pieces of my tree - when I get the new link, I will let you know.

Thanks for the very comprehensive web site - it should be fun to see how this develops.

Mary Brockmeyer

Hi Mary nice to hear from you. I found Richard listed as an after-dinner speaker.

I'd love to share family links and research with you. My information is strong on the Hertfordshire Thrales, but weaker on the South London/Croydon Thrales (and those near Nottinghamshire). So I'd love to work with anyone who is working on these areas. Do keep in touch.

Update: I have gotten in touch with Mrs. Dunwoody, Richard's mother, who is the only daughter of Richard Alwen Thrale. I will update my tree and let you know what I find out when she and I exchange information.

This is very exciting for me!


I have added Richard Dunwoody to the family tree using the information in your message. Do let me know if and when you get any more information. By the way you didn't mention his mother's first name! Keep in touch.

Thanks to the Thrale community, I am currently updating, adding to and correcting the Croydon branch of the Thrale family tree. I now know my relationship to this famous cousin - I'm a rather distant 12th cousin!