Thrale/Thrall history

 St Helens Church, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England


Latitude: 51.8124646, Longitude: -0.2946621 | Click to get directions to St Helens Church

Cemetery Photos

   Thumb   Description 
St Helens Church, Wheathampstead
St Helens Church, Wheathampstead


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Headstone for George Wilshire 1801-1864 and Arabella Wilshire (nee Barker) d.1883
Headstone for George Wilshire 1801-1864 and Arabella Wilshire (nee Barker) d.1883
Located  1. Latitude: 0, Longitude: 10  St Helens, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England
Arabella Barker (d. 13 Dec 1883)
George Wilshire (d. 14 Oct 1864)
Headstone for John Wilshire 1843-1916 and Mary Wilshire nee Shelton b. 1843
Headstone for John Wilshire 1843-1916 and Mary Wilshire nee Shelton b. 1843
Located  2. Latitude: 0, Longitude: 10  St Helens, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England
Mary Shelton (d. 24 Apr 1927)
John Wilshire (d. 19 Dec 1916)
Headstone for Mary Sibley nee Thrale nee 1809-1882 and John Sibley 1809-1877
Headstone for Mary Sibley nee Thrale nee 1809-1882 and John Sibley 1809-1877
Located  3. Latitude: 0, Longitude: 10  St Helens, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England
John Sibley (d. 23 Apr 1877)
Mary Thrale (d. 25 Jul 1882)
Headstone for Norman Thrale 1830/1 - 1900
Headstone for Norman Thrale 1830/1 - 1900
Located  4. Latitude: 0, Longitude: 10  St Helens, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England
Norman Miller Thrale (d. 18 Mar 1900)
Headstone for Sarah Wilshire nee Thrale 1805-1884 and John Wilshire 1804-1876
Headstone for Sarah Wilshire nee Thrale 1805-1884 and John Wilshire 1804-1876
Located  5. Latitude: 0, Longitude: 10  St Helens, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England
Sarah Thrale (d. 3 Dec 1884)
John Wilshire (d. 19 Dec 1876)
Headstone of John Munt 1771 - 1851
Headstone of John Munt 1771 - 1851
Located  6. Latitude: 0, Longitude: 10  St Helens, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England
John Munt (d. 21 Apr 1851)
Headstone of Thomas Thrale 1826-1886 and Elizabeth Thrale nee Peacock 1827-1899
Headstone of Thomas Thrale 1826-1886 and Elizabeth Thrale nee Peacock 1827-1899
Located  7. Latitude: 0, Longitude: 10  St Helens, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, England
Elizabeth Peacock (d. 3 Jul 1899)
Thomas Thrale (d. 1 Dec 1886)