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Hagley verses

  • Posted on: 20 September 2009
  • By: David Thrale
Hagley Hall

From this place1 we went to the Leasowes, where while Mr Johnson & Mr Thrale went up to have a nearer View of the Waterfall, I sat by the Root House, and wrote the following Verses…

To Shenstone in his Grot retired
My truest praise I’ll pay:
And view with just Contempt inspired
The glitter of the Gay.

From Keddlestone’s offensive Glare
From Chatsworth’s proud Cascade;
From artful Hagley I repair
To thine and Nature’s Shade.

When Rubens thus too fiercely burns,
When Lucan glows with Rage:
The Soul to softer Guido turns
Or Virgil’s pastoral Page.

Written by Hester Lynch Thrale. Thraliana entry dated Aug to Sept 1777.

Hester Thrale's spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalisation, some of which may not conform to today's standards, are reproduced faithfully throughout. More writings by Hester Thrale