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The maternal genealogy of Walter Thrall

  • Posted on: 26 September 2009
  • By: David Thrale

Son of Jesse and Mabel

Mabel was the third daughter and eighth child of Justus and Deborah Rose. Justus was the fifth son of Jonathan and Abigail.

First Generation—

Jonathan was born (says tradition,) in Scotland. He and his family settled in East Granville, Massachusetts, in 1741. He was a deacon in the Congregational Church. He was burned to death when his house was burned, in Granville, in October, 1767. His wife, Abigail, died in 1793, aged 103 years. She had been blind for about fifteen years. Her memory was remarkably good until near her death. They had fourteen children, seven of whom lived to a very old age, and all of whom had families. In 1790, when she was one hundred years old, a meeting was called of many of her descendants, a sermon was preached on the occasion, and her off-spring enumerated. She then had one hundred and ten grand children, over three hundred great grand children, and over forty of the fifth generation. While she was yet living, she had over four hundred and fifty living descendants. On the place where her husband was burned, a house was erected in which she lived, and in 1859 two of her grand children, then very old, were living in it. Their sons were Jonathan 2d, David, Daniel, John, Justus, Elisha and Sharon. Their daughters were Abigail, who married Sharon Peas, and settled in Enfield. Dorothy married —— Seward, and settled in Granville. Damara married Oliver Treat, and settled in Weathersfield. Betsey married Aaron Spelman, and settled in Granville. Caroline married John Seward. I do not attempt to give the history of any of Jonathan’s descendants, but Justus, who is the lineal ancestor of Walter. I hope others will extend the history.

Second Generation—

Justus Rose, the fifth son of Jonathan and Abigail, was born March —, 1724, and died September 25, 1781. He was a deacon in the Congregational Church. He married Deborah Barlow, daughter of James Barlow. They lived in East Granville, Massachusetts. They had seven sons and four daughters, viz: Levi, Gad, Deborah, Triphena, Reuben. Justus 2d, Timothy, Lemuel, Mabel, Rhoda and Hiram. Deborah married Stephen Spelman, and settled in Granville, Massachusetts. Triphena married Jesse Miller. MABEL married JESSE THRALL, and settled in Rutland, Vermont, and in 1819, in Granville, Ohio. Rhoda married Enoch Graves, and settled in Granville, Ohio. After the death of Justus, Deborah, his widow, married Aaron Spelman. whose first wife was Betsey, a sister of Justus Rose, her first husband. Deborah Barlow, the wife of Justus Rose, had brothers Nathan, Edmond, James, Ebenezer, and Benjamin; and three sisters, Sarah, who married Ebenezer Seward. Elizabeth married Deacon Thomas Gillet, and Olive married Amos Spafford.

Third Generation—

Levi Rose, the eldest son of Justus and Deborah, married Mary Deming, and settled in Granville, Mass. They had sons, Levi 2d, Calvin and Silas; and five daughters, Lucy, who married Ethan Bancroft; after his death, William Smedley. They lived in Granville, O. Polly married David W. Bancroft. Hannah married Martin Moses. Anna married Moses Cooley, and Orpha married Alpheus Bancroft. From the marriage of the parents, Levi and Mary, to the year 1854, when Levi 2d, the eldest child, was seventy-five years old, and Orpha, the youngest, was fifty-seven, there had not been a death among the children. Gad, the second son of Justus and Deborah, married Caroline Hale. They had ten children; their sons were Gad 2d, JUSTUS 3d, Barlow, Oliver, and Curtis: and five daughters: Caroline, who married John A. King. Annorah, who married Oliver Phelps. Beulah, who married Charles Dennison. Diantha, who married Thaddeus Lyman; and Diadema, who never married. Reuben, the third son of Justus and Deborah, never married. He possessed superior mental faculties. Deborah, the eldest daughter of Justus and Deborah, married Stephen Spelman; they had twelve children: Stephen 2d, Jesse, Naomi, Festus, Rufus, Buel, Deborah, Meriam, Owel, Jacob, Mabel, and Tirzah. Naomi married Martin Tinker; her second marriage was with Asa Seymour. Deborah married James Barlow. Meriam married Rev. Silas Root. Mabel married Joseph Bradshaw. Tirzah married Alpheus Gibbons; a second marriage was with Deacon Gad Case. Jesse, Festus, Rufus, and Jacob, died before the year 1850. Triphena, the second daughter of Justus and Deborah, married Jesse Miller. They settled in Canandaigua, New York, about 1798. Jesse Miller was born in Massachusetts February 9, 1757. Triphena, his wife, was born April 27, 1754. They were married in 1779. They had children: Triphena, Lyman, Jesse, Rebecca, Samantha, Joseph, Saloma. Ransom, and others. Triphena married Amasa Primble, who is deceased; his family, in 1860, resided in Erie, Pennsylvania. All of Jesse and Triphena’s family had departed this life before 1861, except Lyman, Samantha, Ransom, and Tripheua. Lyman, In 1860, lived in Medina, Ohio, and Ransom in Terre Haute, Indiana. When the writer was emigrating from Vermont to Ohio, in 1815, he called on his uncle, Jesse Miller, in Canandaigua, who stated that when he was about to move from Granville, Massachusetts, to Canandaigua, which was then far in the backwoods, his wife’s friends complained that he was about to take their sister into the wilderness, so far from civilization, that they could never hear from her, and where she could never go to church, &c.; but; said he, in a few years (in 1805) they moved four hundred miles further into the wilderness, to Granville. Ohio. Justus Rose, second son of Justus and Deborah, was born July 13, 1760, and died June 4, 1849. He married Ada Howe, November 11, 1784. They lived and died in Granville, Mass. They had thirteen children, four of whom died young. Their sons were Chauncey, Ormond, Justus, Ephraim, Freeman, Patrick, and George W. Their daughters were Artemas, who married William Tracy. Demaras, who married Nathan Knox, and who in 1859, lived in St. Lawrence County, New York. Deborah never married. Chauncey and Ormond are dead. Timothy, fifth son and seventh child of Justus and Deborah, was born June 1, 1762, and died November 27, 1813. He married Lydia Munson, who died February 27, 1855, aged 87 years. They had seven children; two sons, Timothy C., who is a deacon in the Congregational Church, in Granville, Ohio, an office which his father, grand father, and great grand father had, in their time, held; and Samuel, who died in 1857. He was a pious and talented clergyman in the same denomination. Clarissa married Samuel Bancroft, who for twenty-one years, was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Licking County, Ohio. Samantha married William Stedman; after his death she married Joseph Linnel. She died June 16, 1854. Louisa married Oliver C. Dickinson. Lydia married William Clemens; she died in 1821. Almena married Henry Bancroft, a banker and merchant in Granville; Ohio. All the families were members of the Congregational or Presbyterian Church, except Louisa and Lydia. Timothy 1st, the son of Justus, was of pure morals, a jovial companion, a Judge of the Common Pleas Court, and a deacon in the church. He served three years as a sergeant in the army of the Revolution. During his service the following circumstance happened: He and his brother Lemuel, and Amasa Howe, were companions in the army at the south. While there Timothy was taken very sick with the small pox, and was confined in the hospital. During his sickness the army, with Lemuel Rose and Mr. Howe, marched to the north. Some time after, one Watson, an acquaintance of theirs who was left in the hospital with Timothy, joined the army where Lemuel and Howe were. He had a quantity of Timothy’s clothing, and other articles, and said that Timothy died in the hospital, and gave the articles to him for taking care of him. Lemuel wrote to the friends in Granville. informing them of the death of Timothy. The friends deeply mourned his death, and his funeral sermon was preached. Some weeks after, some troops marched into camp, and Timothy, the brother and companion for whom they had mourned as dead, was one of them. Lemuel and Howe stated what Watson had told them. He replied that Watson expected he would die, and stole his things. Timothy was a prominent leader in the church after they settled in Granville, Ohio, until a clergyman was procured. Lemuel, the sixth son and eighth child of Justus and Deborah, was born in 1764, and died on Sunday, September 13, 1835. He served three years in the Revolutionary army. He married Achsah Hale. In 1805 they emigrated from Granville, Mass., to Granville, Ohio. He was a deacon in the church, a justice of the peace, a good neighbor, an upright citizen, and possessed a good property. They had three sons, Helon, Lemuel and Christopher C, and four daughters: Mariam, who married Elkanah Linnel. Susannah, who married Amos Carpenter. Silence, who married Joshua Stark; and Matilda, who married Giles Hickox and after his death Dr. Wheaton. Christopher C., Mariam, Susannah, Mr. Stark, and Mr. Hickox, died before 1860; Mrs. Stark died in 1862. All except Helon. Christopher, and Mr. Hickox, were members of the Congregational Church. Lemuel 1st was one of the twenty-five who were formed into a Congregational Church in Granville, Mass., in 1805, and emigrated as a church to Granville, Ohio. It was said of him that

“;his gravity, inflexible integrity, and promptness, enabled him to honor his offices, and his kindness and generosity was a blessing to his church and friends”;

Rhoda, married Enoch Graves. She died in 1802. They had two sons, Enoch and Austin, and three daughters: Orpha, who married Joshua Linnel. Abba, who married Timothy Spelman; and Rhoda. who married Strong Clark. All had families, and all died before 1850, except Mr. Linnel, Spelman and Clark. Hiram Rose, the youngest son of Justus and Deborah was born in Granville, Mass., in 1766. He married Sabra Cooley, who died August 16, 1854. They had two sons, Hiram P., and Milon, and three daughters: Electa, who married Claudius Graves. Sabra, who married Revel Everett ; and Alcy, who married Daniel Durphy. All had families. In 1853, all the daughters were living in Hartford, Licking County, Ohio, and all were members of the Presbyterian Church. The following obituary notice was published of Hiram:

Died, on Thursday, December 20, 1855, Mr. Hiram Rose aged 89 years. He emigrated from Granville, Massachusetts, to Granville, Ohio, in the year 1805, with the Licking Land Company. He was one of the original church members. He saw the fifth generation from him. His wife who had been his faithful companion for sixty-four years deceased about one year before him, from which time he gradually and peacefully declined, and paid the debt of nature without the intervention of disease; other than those incident to extreme age. He possessed an inflexible principle, was a devoted Christian and faithful citizen. He went to the grave mourned by numerous friends, and without an enemy.

Several years before Mr. Rose’s death, he related to the writer the following facts: He was a few months in the army of the Revolution. After the close of the war he taught school several winters; and such was the hardness of the times, and the scarcity of money, that for four winters he could only get three dollars and board, per month. The fifth winter, as times grew better, he had ten dollars and board, per month. In 1787 he was living in Granville, Mass., was strong, and accustomed to hard labor. The wages of laborers were very low. He could get from five dollars to six dollars per month. It was common for good hands to work for their board in the winter, and-for three or four dollars, and board and washing, per month, in the summer. By the laws of Massachusetts at that time, he and his brothers, when they had no property, were each assessed a poll tax of $6 12, annually. Yet by industry and economy, he was able, in 1805, to buy a good farm in Granville, Ohio, on which he lived till his death. All his family, seven in number, that in 1805 moved to Ohio, were living in 1854. Four generations were then living on the same farm. Hiram, when he died, was the last of that numerous generation. He and his brothers Timothy, Lemuel, Enoch Graves, and others, formed what was called “;The Licking Land Company,”; and bought seven quarters of townships of land in and near Granville, and settled there in 1805, and soon converted the wilderness into a fruitful field. There were, about the year 1790, living in Granville, Massachusetts, two brothers, John and Jonathan Rose, supposed to be cousins or nephews of Jonathan Rose, our ancestor. John had sons, Elijah, Enoch and Jarius, and a daughter, who married Roswell Graves. Jonathan had sons, Simeon and Abel. I can give but a very imperfect list of the descendants of Jonathan Rose, after the fourth generation. Of the sixty families of that generation, I give but a sketch of four.

Fourth Generation—

Levi Rose 2d, the son of Levi and Mary, was born June 4, 1779. He married Polly Stowe; they had eleven children, five of whom died young. The survivors were William, Roland, Levi, George, Polly, and Betsey. The latter married Edwin Blanchard, and after his decease, her second marriage was with James Smith. Polly intermarried with Lucius Case.

Fifth Generation—

William Rose, the eldest son of Levi 2d and Mary, was born October 23, 1806. He married Mary Atwood. They had seven children, two of whom died young.

Sixth Generation—

Emeline, the eldest daughter, of William and Mary, married Charles Chapin. They had no living children. Mary married Levi Thorn, a Baptist clergyman. They have four children.

Seventh Generation—

Frank Thorn, their eldest son, was born in 1853. Harriet, daughter of William and Mary, married Henry Keables. They have two children. The children of Mr. Thorn and Mr. Keables, are all, of whom I have information, of the seventh generation.

Fourth Generation—

Hiram Prosper Rose, son of Hiram and Sabra, was born January 22, 1792. He married Chloe Harris. They had three children, one of whom died young, and one of the survivors, Philena, died aged 16 years.

Fifth Generation—

Luman P., the only survivor, was born September 20, 1826. He married Emeline Starr. They have four children.

Sixth Generation—

Their eldest son, Milton T., was born April 7, 1847. Their other children are Clarence L., Leno M., and Carrie R. It has been said of the descendants of Jonathan Rose to the fifth generation, a drunkard was not known among them.

Fourth Generation—

Timothy M. Rose, son of Timothy and Lydia, was born March 24, 1797. He married Matilda Mead. They had five children, two of whom died young. The survivors were Timothy, Clarissa, and Matilda; the last named died aged 17 years. Matilda (the mother,) died March 1, 1857. Timothy’s second marriage was with Susan Little, April 28, 1858.

Fifth Generation—

Timothy, son of Timothy M. and Matilda, was born February 14, 1821. He intermarried with Harriet A. Howe. They had two children, who are of the sixth generation: Timothy H., and Harriet M. Harriet A (the mother,) died in 1854. Timothy’s second marriage was with Fidelia Follett; they have one child, Frank.

Fourth Generation—

Helon Rose, the first child of Lemuel and Achsah, was born November 5, 1788. He married Emily Wolcott, daughter of Horace Wolcott. They had three children, one of whom died young. Helon and his wife, and their two children, in 1862, are living. Helon is a wealthy farmer and an honest citizen.

Fifth Generation—

Lyman W., son of Helon and Emily, was born January 2, 1817. He married Jane Dawes, who died August 15, 1852. They had two children, Emily and Henry D. Lyman’s second marriage was with Sally E. Tyler. He is a successful merchant of Alexandria, Licking County, Ohio, and is highly esteemed. Charlotte E., daughter of Helon and Emily, married Dr. Wm. Shepard, the proprietor and conductor of a successful water cure institution, near Columbus, Ohio.

Sixth Generation—

Emily and Henry D. Rose, children of Lyman W. and Jane, in whom ends this line of this genealogy, were born in St Albans, Licking County, Ohio, where they now, in 1862, reside.

Thanks to Sharon Thrall Becker Sharon Thrall Becker, whose kind assistance and contribution helped to bring this information to you.