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Walter Thrall of Windsor, Connecticut

  • Posted on: 21 September 2009
  • By: David Thrale

The writer has not attempted to give sketches of second cousins, but will speak of one from whom he received assistance in preparing this genealogy. He refers to Walter Thrall, Esq., of Windsor, Connecticut, the son of Luke, the grand son of John 3d, the great grand son of John 2d.

In 1859, he resided at the old homestead in Turkey Hills parish, in the house where his father and grand father died. He was a thrifty farmer, aged 73 years, yet very active for one of his age. The writer, in company with him, visited the old grave yard there, in which are buried sundry of our ancestors and connections, viz: John 2d, John 3d, John 4th and John 5th.

In 1844, he lost a daughter, Cynthia, aged 19 years. He wrote the following verse which I copied from her tombstone:

“;In youth and health she meekly sought,
And found the robe which Jesus wrought;
In that arrayed, death’s vale she trod,
And calmly went to meet her God.”;

On the 4th of March, 1859, he lost his companion, with whom he had lived as man and wife, 54 years. The following are some lines he wrote, which he headed

“;Though God o’erwhelms with sovereign stroke,
And blasts my dearest pleasures here,
His cheering smiles I’ll still invoke
And love, and trust, and hope and fear.

“;Though clouds may hide his smiling face,
His chastenings, and his love unite,
In darkest hours, his sovereign grace,
Like bow of promise, cheers my sight.

“;He leads me on through life’s dark path
With future wisely hid from view;
I feel the tokens of his wrath
Mingled with blessings not a few.

“;Such sorrow fills my wounded heart,
As friends, or strangers, cannot tell;
God has taken my better part,
Yet I would worship, and be still.

“;The world to me is clad in gloom,
Its pleasures dim with grief, alloy,
For lo! the dark insatiate tomb
Hides now the relic of life’s joy.

“;Yet hope inspires my soul to trust,
And may that hope ne’er prove in vain,
That Christ will raise that precious dust,
"And I shall see her yet again.

“;Strong faith presents her to my sight,
For ever fixed in heavenly home,
Arrayed in robes of purest light
And beckoning me with smiles to come.

“;In glorious hopes, my soul’s delight,
To live in day, without the night;
No more to sin, no more to die,
To live with God, and friends on high.

“;By night, by day, my thoughts ascend,
And rove through heavenly scenes above;
Angels I pass, to meet my friend,
And Saviour too, with equal love.

“;But when the happy visions fade,
I realize I’m here below—
A pilgrim walking in the shade,
Of death’s dark monument of woe.”;

The writer was acquainted with three of his grand parents, and with several of his great uncles and aunts. He was also acquainted with nearly all of the brothers and sisters of his parents.

In the year 1816, he had about one hundred and twenty first cousins, with the most of, whom he was acquainted. Those on his father’s side were of the seventh generation from William, the first ancestor in America; those on his mother’s side were of the fourth generation from Jonathan and Abigail Rose.

All of the generation of his grand parents, and also of his parents, and probably one-half of his cousins, have gone to their final account; and we who are left of this generation are far on the downward hill of life, and by the unchangeable laws of nature must soon close our earthly career. It behooves us to prepare for what we know must quickly come.

Thanks to Sharon Thrall Becker Sharon Thrall Becker, whose kind assistance and contribution helped to bring this information to you.